Tuesday, May 7, 2013


So apparently I greatly upset Ishtar, and she has received the Bull of Heaven from the great Anu, and has now decided to make it reek havoc upon my people and the rest of humanity. With one snort from his nostrils he had wiped out a number my comrades. Enkidu sprang into action, grappling with the gargantuan beast in hopes to defeat him. If it were not for his great might, so many more of men would have been lost. Enkidu finally managed to quell the ancient beast, and I was able to strike him down at last. We ripped out his heart, and presented it to Shamash as an offering.

I do not think that I have ever heard Ishtar so irate, she slandered us and condemned us. Before I could even figure out what was going on, Enkidu through one of the bulls legs straight at her, shouting slanderous and blasphemous words at her.

Overall, it was a pretty good day.

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