Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Amongst my travels these past day my heart still aches for my loving friend Enkidu. I loved him as a lover, as a man would love a wife. The pain in my heart has never ceased, but today I met someone who I believed could finally quell my sorrow. Her name was Siduri, a woman who lived far away from my land, a tavern keeper. I told her of my travels and my victory over Humbaba. But she did not believe my words right away,  I am such a sorry mess, the death of Enkidu has left me unwell. I gave her my plight of mortality, and I spilled to her all of my journies and my intimacies with Enkidu, secrets only heard by lovers. I think in a way, I spoke to her as a lover, I was almost ready to ask her for marriage, to ease my aching heart. But she then guided me to go see Urshanabi, a man who could cross the waters of death and find Utnapishtim to gain immortality. I almost lost my desire when talking to Siduri.

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