Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Waters of Death and Utnapishtim

When I finally ran into Urshanabi, he only offered me the same words as Siduri did, insulting the way I was looking, due to Enkidu's death. I gave him my plight, and he agreed to help me meet this legendary Utnapishtim. He instructed me not to touch the waters of death, and after a great deal of tribulations, I finally met the legendary Utnapishtim.

He initially offered me the same words as both Siduri and Urshanabi had, making me feel only worse about myself. Just as I had done in the past, i gave him my plight of Enkidu, and my desire for immortality. He tried to console me, saying that I was a man created by the gods, and that should be sufficient for me. But it is not, I demanded to know more than that, and Utnapishtim agreed to share his stories with me...

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