Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Dreams Have Returned

We have traveled for three days and have finally reached Lebanon. We took a small break for food, and I decided to go to a nearby mountain peak to pray to Shamash. I prayed to her for a good dream to come to me, and to show me favor in the future for Enkidu and I.

As soon as we went to sleep the dreams came, and I awoke abruptly with a terrifying sensation throughout my body. My muscles were shaking, and I felt so restless it was as if a god had walked in my midst. I then remembered my dream and decided to share it with Enkidu. The dream was so fragmented, I could only remember that I was in a mountain gorge, and suddenly the mountain began to fall upon me. There were more bits and pieces, but Enkidu chimed in and said the dream was favorable, and was a sign that we were going to be able to defeat Humbaba.

But the second dream that night had disturbed me even more, if it weren't for the fact that Enkidu was right there I don't know what I would have done. I was fighting an ancient bull, it was so powerful I didn't know what to do. But Enkidu comforted me about the dream, saying that it was the great Shamash watching over us.

The dreams continued over the next couple of days, each bearing a similar message, and I entrusted Enkidu to accurately interpret the dreams in order to guide us. The last dream I had was we were fighting Humbaba in the presence of Shamash. But Enkidu assured me again that we were going to be able to defeat him.

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