Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Flood Story

Incredible! Utnapishtim told me an incredible story, the one of the great food and how he managed to obtain immortality from it. According to Utnapishtim, the gods had grown furious with the humans, and decided to flood the entire world. But the great god Ea, deciding to go against the order of the gods, approached Utnapishtim and told him of what the gods had planned. He listened well, and told the people of his village that he had to depart, but asked him to build him a boat in order to be safe from the flood. The village happily did so, and the flood quickly occurred afterwards, wiping out all the humans except for Utnapsishtim. The gods mourned over their decision, but when they saw that Utnapishtim had survived, some of them grew quickly enraged that a human had survived. But after the gods had calmed, they had made the decision to grant Utnapishtim immortality.

But I could not gain immortality the way that Utnapishtim had, but he enlightened me on how I can achieve immortality for myself, and I plan to do so!

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